
Kick-Off Meeting

On the 9th and 10th March 2022 the kick-off meeting of EU-Passworld has been hold in Venice. The exchange of good practices, comparison and common construction of new tools to welcome people fleeing their country thanks to Community Sponsorship programs and Pathways have been the main themes of the meeting. With this goal, participants faced an intense two days welcomed by Caritas Venice.

EU-Passworld is a European initiative led by Caritas Italiana which brings together non-profit organizations, governments, universities and the UNHCR with the aim of designing new policies and new innovative tools to open education and work pathways for refugees. A European challenge that UE-Passworld will carry out in Italy, Belgium and Ireland strengthening legal and safe channels also in connection with non-EU countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. In a difficult context, with a war that broke out in Europe, participants have collected the precious contributions of Mons. Francesco Moraglia, Patriarch of Venice, Oliviero Forti and Daniele Albanese (Caritas Italiana), Tamara Munoz (EU Commission – AMIF), Heide Nidetzky (EU Commission Policy Unit), Miriam Mourglia (Diaconia Valdese), Stefano Enzo (Caritas Venice Director), Tabit Berthe and Chimene Gaelle Kameni (Humanitarian corridors beneficiaries), Perrine Raquez (FedAsil Belgium), Fiona Finn (NASC), Irene Caceres De Lorenzo (RefugeeHub-GRSI), Enrico Di Pasquale (Leone Moressa Foundation), Stefania Congia (Labor Ministry of Italy), Elisabetta Rocchini (ex HR at CAVALLI), Patrizia Brognoli (Decathlon diversity management), Gabriela Agatiello and Petra Hueck (ICMC Europe), Luisa Bianco and Lorenzo Leotardi (UNHCR Italy) Alganesc Fessaha (Gandhi Charity), Giovanna Marconi (IUAV University), Giulia Dal Ben (UNIBO) Solomon Elala Seyoum (UNICORE Venice), Ellen Verofstadt (KULeuven Be lgium), Michelle Mansk (WUSC Canada), Martina Libertà (Caritas Venice), Aidan Harte and Andrew Flaus (National University of Ireland Galway).