
University Corridors for Refugees, First Arrival 2022

The first refugee student of the University Corridors, arrived on the 5 September 2022. In fact, D. won a scholarship in medical biotechnology at the University of Verona which, together with Caritas Verona, made herself available to welcome and support her motherhood. She was a refugee in Zambia coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo from where she fled when she was little due to the war in the north of the country. She then graduated in Nursing in Zambia and became one of the most deserving students. In Italy, she will be able to benefit from a scholarship and material reception provided by the University and psicosociale support for integration by Caritas Verona together with the Diaconia Valdese. Another 49 arrivals of scholarship-winning refugees in 32 Italian universities are expected in the near future. UNHCR, Diaconia Valdese and Caritas Italiana are national partners of the project, also supported by AMIF funds with the EU-Passworld project, and in these days they are dealing with pre-departure information for incoming students.